Telugu Spiritual Spoke person Chaganti Koteshwar Rao facing Legal Issue.
Telugu philosopher, spiritual person Chaganti Koteshwar Rao from the state of Andhra Pradesh facing complaint fromYadhava sangham community. Koteshwar Rao Hindu spiritual speech programs are aired on regional channels in Telugu language.
Today morning Koteshwar Rao facing problem from the all India Yadava mahasabha due to his derogatory comments on lord Sree Krishna went viral on the social media networks.All India Yadava sangam mahasabha with cyberabad cyber crime police has given complaint against to Chaganti due to his derogatory comments on Yadava sangham.It becomes very viral on social media.
Chaganti spiritual programs are running on every almost every Telugu regional channel ,after this incident due to this complaint his name and faith is in trouble.According sources members of Yadava sangam filed a case against to Chaganti with the cyber crime police.Based on facts we will proceed according to the law” cyberabad cyber crime ACPS Jayaram said in Hyderabad.