Nalini Writing 500 pages Auto Biography about Rajeev Gandhi Death Secrets.

Nalini Writing 500 pages Auto Biography about Rajiv Gandhi Death Secrets.

Nalini Shriharam is Tamil woman arrested in connection with Former Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi suicide bomb blast in 1991. Nalini created history in Jail records. she is only lady in entire world completed 25 years in jail.No other woman in world not reaching her Jail record.She is going enter into Guinness  books .

Nalini completed writing her 500 pages Auto biography in Jail.As per sources from media she is going to release Auto biography on November 24. Nalini is going cover how she is got motivation with her husband to participate in killing Former Indian prime minister Rajiv Gandhi in her biography.

Nalini is Married LTTE operating Shriharam on April 1991.Nalini arrested in connection with Rajiv Gandhi assassination.She is two months old pregnant. Nalini presently taking Jail In Woman Jail at Vellore in Tamil Nadu.

In Nalini Autobiography highlights is that 90 minutes conversation between Priyanka Gandhi and her in March 19 2008. Priyanka Ghandhi is daughter of Rajiv Gandhi and  also sister to Rahul Gandhi presently Rahul Gandhi is vice president to Indian congress party. Nalini is going to reveal how police behaved and made torture by beating on her body  in connection Rajiv death.

Nalini is also is going cover Famous person spoken about Rajiv Gandhi death when indecent  happened in 1991.