Indian RBI increased daily withdraw limit up to 100000 per week.
Indian RBI (Reserve Bank of India) has declared the withdrawal amount limit in a ATM is RS 10,000 per day and weekly withdrawal amount is nearly Rs 24,000. In the banks RBI has declared withdrawal amount 50,000 to 1,00,000 per weekly.Due to problem facing by normal people the RBI has declared the amount withdrawal is increased in a banks and ATM also.
The RBI declared withdrawal limite extended from amount is 50,000 to 1,00,000 per week .This facility will be extended to overdraft and cash credit accounts.This decision by RBI will give the relax to indian citizens with withdraw limits comes as cash over the country wise.
The executive director of Maharashtra R.K.Guptha said that around 75% ATM of banks are functioning round the clock and all banks are pushing more than 40% of their cash into rural ,urban areas to ensure cash availability.
Generally in normal situations ATM distribute Rs 8,000 Crore among the country on daily wise.We are gearing up for higher loading frequency to meet the requirement ,Said Rithuraj sinha The president of Cash Logistics Association.The demonetization period of banks and ATM are ended on December 31.From1st January RBI has declared the amount withdraw limit more than Rs 4500 per day.