Indian Governament Decided to reduce Student Bag Weight.
Indian Central governament has decided to reduce burden of
school bags.Union minister of Human
Resource Development (HRD) Mr.Javadekar have plans
to make changes project works assigned to the school children.
ministry is now working on the CBSE (Central Board Of Secondary Education )
schools to reduce burden of school
bags on students.Schools are knolwdge center for student to learn new thing in innovative way.Carrying more weight children are not getting proper physical growth.
Javadekar also former minister for environment and forests added to increase green awareness in the school level keep different colour boxes for the
School student are doing project work with help of mother .Educating mother and father about studies methods will help children actively learn from parents at home apart from teachers.Learning process is slow and study process schools are keep pressure on children to learn new things.All children do not same grossping power new methods in teaching will help to learn more.