Telangana State Declared 12% Reservations for Muslims.

Telangana State Declared 12% Reservations for Muslims.

 Telangana government had declared 12% reservations quota for Muslims.Chief minister of Telangana state is K.Chandra Shekar Rao has kept  proposal  bill of  12% reservations quota for the back ward sections in Muslims community.In India  Telangana is first state offering special reservation to Muslims.

 Hindu community has appealed against not supporting to this bill.The vishwa Hindu parishad (VHP)  has opposed for this bill in the assembly sessions.Based on the  back ward sections among the community will give reservations,but not on the bases of the religions.

On architecture of constitution B.R Ambedkar said that it would be dangerous for the country.Present day ruler  and parties making vote bank politics by competing to give reservations  to Muslims. Better to make arrangement to develop undeveloped Muslims by providing sufficient facilities.